Revitalizing Your Goals

Sometimes it’s not so much about setting new goals as it is about reconnecting to old ones.

What are some areas that you may have neglected?  It is easy to get comfortable and lose momentum in important areas of life. Getting marred in the busyness and responsibilities of life can happen to the best of us. A time for rival is now!

Many ideas get conjured up when I imagine what types of goals one might want to revitalize. You may want to address goals surrounding healthy habits.  Various areas range from eating better, exercising more, improving sleep, daily mediation and more.  Other areas you may want to resurrect could include having a clear voice, restoring an unattended to relationship and spending more quality time with your children.  What are the areas that you may have neglected?

How Do You Revitalize a Desired Goal?

It is imperative to be clear about what it is you want to revive. What are some areas of your life that could use some attending to?  Awareness is a necessary step.  Name the area you want to readdress.  Write it down.  The naming of this area has power in and of itself. While intention  is good next you need to take steps that move you toward the desired goal. Change requires action.

Let’s say you want to resume the goal of living at a healthier weight. What are some tasks you would need to do to make this happen? If you are not sure ask others who may have some suggestions.   In this case it may be advantageous to get a medical work up to make sure nothing physical is causing your weight gain. Assuming that you don’t have a contributing medical condition, you then need to design a specific plan of action.

Choose the Right Goal

I recommend starting with areas where you can succeed. For instance, your goal might be to work out four times per week. However, if you are currently not working out at all, then I recommend you make your goal two days a week. You can always do more, but two days a week is a big improvement. You will want to succeed at doing what you say.

This is a problem I often see when someone wants to start something new or bring something back into vision. They are overzealous and work out seven days a week, but by week three, they have gone back to zero per week. Work toward long-term lifestyle changes rather than just immediate gratification.

Be Accountable

Another important aspect to achieve your desired goals is accountability. In this case, I recommend that you write down when you exercise as a form of self-accountability. You also may want to have an accountability partner. You would check in with him or her on a daily basis. Even better would be to have a work-out partner. It is usually best to ask for support from others, rather than trying to go it alone. It is easy to get discouraged.  Be sure to find support from others that will know how to motivate you when needed.

Consider what gifts, talents and habits may be good for you to reinvest your energy and bring back to life!  It’s up to you! Come alive to your best self. Never settle! Live big!